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Getting Started

Get your API key and start generating images and gifs in minutes.


Table of Contents

Using The API


  • You need to pass your API key as a authorization header in all the requests. You can get your API key from the dashboard.
  • Treat your API key as a password. Do not share it with anyone. If you think your API key has been compromised, you can delete it from the dashboard and create a new one.

Creating a Image

Make a HTTP request to the following endpoint to create a image.



Parameter Type Description
html * string HTML code to be converted to image. You can send HTML snippets (<div>...</div>) or full HTML documents (<html>...</html>)
css string CSS code to be applied to the HTML.
width number Width of the viewport in pixels.
height number Height of the viewport in pixels.
quality number Quality of the image. Can be a number between 0 and 100.
template * string ID of the template to be used.
variables object Variables to be used in the template.
url * string URL of the webpage to be converted to image.
Required Parameters Description
html, url, or template You need to send either html, url or template parameter.
variables You need to send variables parameter if you are using a template.

Example Response


    "url": ""

STATUS: 401 Unauthorized

    "message": "Invalid Request"

STATUS: 429 Too Many Requests

    "message": "You have exhausted your plan limit"

Creating a GIF

Make a HTTP request to the following endpoint to create a GIF.



Parameter Type Description
html * string HTML code to be converted to GIF. You can send HTML snippets (<div>...</div>) or full HTML documents (<html>...</html>)
css string CSS code to be applied to the HTML.
width number Width of the viewport in pixels.
height number Height of the viewport in pixels.
quality number Quality of the GIF. Can be a number between 0 and 100.
duration number Duration of the GIF in seconds.
template * string ID of the template to be used.
variables object Variables to be used in the template.
url * string URL of the webpage to be converted to GIF.
Required Parameters Description
html, url, or template You need to send either html, url or template parameter.
variables You need to send variables parameter if you are using a template.

Example Response


    "url": ""

STATUS: 401 Unauthorized

    "message": "Invalid Request"

STATUS: 429 Too Many Requests

    "message": "You have exhausted your plan limit"

Getting a Image/GIF

Make a HTTP request to the following endpoint to get a image.



After creating a image/gif, you will get a url in the response. You can use this url to fetch the image/gif. It's automatically cached and optimized via a CDN.

Parameter Type Description
id * string ID of the image/gif to be fetched.

File Formats

Images are served in the following formats:

  • png
  • jpg
  • webp

By default, the API will serve the image in png format if not format is being specified. You can specify the format in the URL.


Deleting a Image/GIF

Make a HTTP request to the following endpoint to delete a image/gif.



Parameter Type Description
id * string ID of the image/gif to be deleted.

Example Response


    "message": "deleted successfully"

Creating a Template

Make a HTTP request to the following endpoint to create a template.



Parameter Type Description
html * string HTML code to be converted to image. The variables in the HTML should be wrapped in double curly braces. For example, <div>Hello {{name}}</div>
name string Name of the template.
width number Default width of the viewport in pixels. Width can be overridden while creating a image/gif.
height number Default height of the viewport in pixels. Height can be overridden while creating a image/gif.

Example Response


    "template": {
        "id": "9tv83",
        "name": "My Template",
        "html": "<div>Hello {{name}}</div>",
        "width": 1200,
        "height": 630,
        "createdAt": "2021-04-01T12:00:00.000Z",
        "variables": ["name"]

Updating a Template

Make a HTTP request to the following endpoint to update a template.



Parameter Type Description
id * string ID of the template to be updated.
html string HTML code to be converted to image. The variables in the HTML should be wrapped in double curly braces. For example, <div>Hello {{name}}</div>
name string Name of the template.
width number Default width of the viewport in pixels. Width can be overridden while creating a image/gif.
height number Default height of the viewport in pixels. Height can be overridden while creating a image/gif.

Example Response


    "template": {
        "id": "9tv83",
        "name": "My Template",
        "html": "<div>Hello {{name}}</div>",
        "width": 1200,
        "height": 630,
        "createdAt": "2021-04-01T12:00:00.000Z",
        "variables": ["name"]

Deleting a Template

Make a HTTP request to the following endpoint to delete a template.



Parameter Type Description
id * string ID of the template to be deleted.

Example Response


    "message": "deleted successfully"

Media Width and Height

We generate the image/gif by rendering the HTML in a instance of Chrome in one of our servers. The width and height of the viewport is automatically calculated by evaluating the outermost element in the HTML. You can override the width and height by passing the width and height parameters in the request.


<div style = "height:500px; width:300px background-color:blue">


This image generated from the above HTML will be a blue rectangle of size 300px x 500px. We auto-crop the image to remove any extra whitespace.

Although, you can override the width and height by passing the width and height parameters in the request. This will not change the HTML, but will change the viewport size.

    "html": "<div style = 'height:500px; width:300px background-color:blue'></div>",
    "width": 800,
    "height": 900

This will make the viewport size 800px x 900px. The rendered image will be similar to how you see the HTML in the browser of size 800px x 900px.

Creating media from a URL

You can also create media from a URL. We will fetch the HTML from the URL and render it in a instance of Chrome in one of our servers. It is better to provide the width and height of the viewport in this case. If you need to create image/gif of a certain part of webpage, you can use the selector parameter to specify the element to be captured.

    "url": "",
    "width": 1200,
    "height": 630,
    "selector": ".central-featured"

* We don't support URLs that require authentication. You can use our API to create media from a URL only if the URL is publicly accessible.


If you need any help, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]