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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a rate limit for the API?

No, there is no rate limit for the API. You can make as many requests as you want until you exhaust your plan limit.

What is the maximum size of the image/gif that can be generated?

There is no limit on the size of the image/gif that can be generated. However, we recommend that you keep the size of the image/gif below 5MB. The larger the size of the image/gif, the longer it will take to generate.

What is the maximum duration of the gif that can be generated?

There is no limit on the duration of the gif that can be generated. However, we recommend that you keep the duration of the gif below 10 seconds. The longer the duration of the gif, the longer it will take to generate.

Can I use external CSS and JS in my HTML?

Yes, you can use external CSS and JS in your HTML. Just embed the CSS and JS in your HTML using the <link> and <script> tags and make sure that the CSS and JS files are publicly accessible.

Can I use custom fonts in my HTML?

Yes, you can use custom fonts in your HTML. Just embed the font using the @font-face rule or the <link> tag.

Can I use external images in my HTML?

Yes, you can use external images in your HTML. Just make sure that the images are publicly accessible.

How long does url for image/gif work?

The url for image/gif is valid for forever unless you delete the image/gif.

None of the current plans fit my needs. Can I get a custom plan?

Yes, you can get a custom plan. Please contact us at [email protected] to get a custom plan.